PR Newswire Release – April 25, 2022
HS Management Partners, LLC (HSMP), a boutique equity investment advisor, is proud to announce the completion of its 15-year performance track record, ending March 31st, 2022 for its sole investment strategy, the HSMP Concentrated Quality Growth Equity portfolio.
The Firm, located at 640 Fifth Avenue in New York City, was established in 2007 and currently advises assets approaching $4 billion applying a focused, bottom-up fundamentals-first approach to portfolio construction.
Harry Segalas, Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer, remarks, “Since inception to our 15-Year mark, our Composite has annualized compounded returns at a 12.8% annual post-fee rate (4/1/2007 through 3/31/2022). The power of this compounding shows that cumulative returns amounted to 512.3% in that period and that $1 million invested at our start (4/1/2007) is now worth $5,123,000. We believe this represents a strong track record during that period, even in the face of three Black Swan events in the past 15 years (the Financial Crisis in 2008, the Pandemic in 2020, and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022).
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